I am
Leanne Harper Lambert
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner and Tutor – Dip.NZNFE,
and Hypnotique Protocol® Esoteric Hypnotherapist – Dip.HPEH
I create sacred space for soul and for people to heal. I guide my clients to enhance their holistic wellbeing, through their deep soul work and spiritual journeys.
I help people let go and clear away trauma, pain, grief, regret, release burdens and karmic blocks from their past, repattern childhood conditioning, overcome fears or any kind of obstacle that they are creating for themselves, that is getting in the way of their wellbeing, evolutionary progress, quality of life and self mastery.
I support others to create the energetic freedom they need to re-story their lives, re-claim their power to take charge of their experiences, and choose the reality that they wish to live.
It’s deep work, it’s truly transformative life-changing healing work. It draws on the power of the mind and the inner wisdom and healing power of your own Soul.
My healing tools of choice are powerful Aquarian Age healing modalities…
1. Vibrational remedies from Mother Nature. Flower essences, specifically First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® which are completely natural energetic remedies made from Aotearoa’s plants and trees. This is energy healing that works in cooperation with the sacred plant intelligence of this land.
2. Shamanic life coaching – HypnoSuccess® Master Keys for Success©. This is like no other coaching program – HypnoSuccess® Shamanic Life Coaching for the Soul© works with the powers of the mind and wisdom of Soul to cooperatively create true success in your life. Each session weaves together the magic of ritual, ancient shamanic healing wisdom, hermetic science and alchemy to close the gap between your everyday reality and what your Soul contracted itself to achieve in this lifetime.
And 3. Esoteric mind, body, soul and spirit focused hypnotherapy. Specialist Soul Retrieval© and Healing the Spirit Root Cause© hypnotherapy. Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® is systematic, thorough and deeply deeply healing. It is empowering for the human heart and soul – as such it restores the sacred essence of our being and lives, and it reunites us with the power, intelligence and co-creative wisdom of our own soul and spirit.
It’s all quantum stuff – revolutionary powerful tools that I draw upon for your wellbeing. I am a true, steadfast guide for souls on their own journey to holistic wellbeing.
If you are ready to draw a line in the sand with your coping mechanisms and address the root cause of your suffering, pain, trauma, anxieties and depressions…
I am a coach, healer and modern day medicine woman
– a continuous student of the occult sciences
and 21st Century spiritual practitioner
an alchemist with antidotes,
powerful tools to assist you.
I invite you to step forward on to this most magical journey of healing,
to work holistically with body, mind and soul for your wellbeing,
deepening your relationship with your own soul and spirit,
so that you can Be Your Essence.
Personalised Treatment Plans
To assist your holistic wellbeing, soul healing and spiritual journey, I offer in person consultations in Rotorua, as well as around the world via Zoom.
These can be a one-off, stand alone appointments.
However I also create personalised programs for people wanting to address chronic issues and make long term changes to their emotional, energetic and spiritual wellbeing. This is the most ideal way to support the unfoldment of your Essence.
My clinic in Kawaha Point, Rotorua is open Tuesdays-Fridays and some Saturdays by appointment. You can pay by direct bank transfer or credit card via Paypal.
I offer a free 20-minute Connection Call appointment, for us to decide together which is the best option for your situation. Use the Request an appointment form to get in contact with me. I look forward to hearing from you.
You can read more about my esoteric hypnotherapy services here: click link.
Consultation and personalised flower essence blend
60min consultation and personalised flower essence blend. Available In-person (Rotorua clinic) or online via Zoom.
During a consultation I will identify a unique blend of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® essences to address any issue or situation you are requiring help with.
$90 – Your consultation will take place in my healing space in Kawaha Point, Rotorua, or online via Zoom. If the consultation takes place online, your blend of essences will be posted to you.
HypnoSuccess® Shamanic Life Coaching for the Soul
$795 – 5-session Master Keys to Success© program
HypnoSuccess® Shamanic Life Coaching for the Soul Master Keys to Success© program works with the powers of the mind and wisdom of Soul to cooperatively create true success in your life.
Discover the Keys to Your Soul Contract to Unlock Your Destiny and Experience True Success
This program is like no other coaching program – it weaves together the magic of ritual, ancient shamanic healing wisdom, hermetic science and alchemy to close the gap between your everyday reality and what your Soul contracted itself to achieve in this lifetime.
It is an amazing evolutionary accelerator, that establishes your Soul and it’s objectives firmly as the navigator of your life.
This systematic and holistic five session Shamanic Life Coaching program can be undertaken monthly, fortnightly or weekly, as suits your budget and schedule. Coaching is very well suited to Zoom consultations and is supported by flower blend/s. You can read more in my newsletter: | November 2023 |
HypnoSuccess® Master Key© Shamanic Life Coaching for the Soul
$180 – Single Master Key to Success© session
Work with one of your Master Keys to bring your Soul’s destiny to the forefront of your everyday life.
These sessions are very well suited to Zoom consultations, very limited availability for in-person sessions.
Hypnotique Protocol® Shamanic Soul Healing© 3-session program
$495 – 3-session state-of-the-art shamanic hypnotherapy program
Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® Shamanic Soul Healing – is a totally revolutionary shamanic healing program designed to connect you with your Soul’s spiritual and shamanic allies.
Discover your Soul’s team of powerful allies!
During the Hypnotique Protocol® Shamanic soul healing 3-session program you can:
- Establish a helpful and empowering relationship your Soul’s own power animal, soul guardian and spiritual teacher guides
- Embrace your Soul’s unique qualities and attributes as super powers that help you in your life’s journey
- Create a powerful bond with your own soul, the source of true power so you can access your full potential and live your unique destiny
- Develop personal immunity to the power plays that plague the collective conscious
- Allow your own Soul and it’s allies to become your greatest power source and strength in life.
- Come back to nature – the terrestial and celestial truth of life
This holistic and systematic three session program can be undertaken monthly, fortnightly or weekly as suits your budget and schedule. Esoteric hypnotherapy is very well suited to Zoom consultations.
READ MORE about esoteric hypnotherapy services by following this link, or request a free 20min connection call via the button below:
Hypnotique Protocol® Healing the Spirit hypnotherapy program
$795 – 5-session state-of-the-art esoteric hypnotherapy program
Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® Healing the Spirit is a powerful holistic healing hypnotherapy program designed to address the root cause of pain, trauma, stress, anxiety, depression, and moral injury.
Allieveate Suffering
This esoteric hypnotherapy program works cooperatively with your Spirit, your higher consciousness, to alleviate the human suffering. It re-unites you with your higher self to enable greater degrees of Light to flood into your life.
It allows you to wear the crown of your own true spiritual Sovereignty once again. And to embody and shine your own unique Light into your life and the world.
It is a truly amazing journey, that creates fast evolutionary progress and accelerates your spiritual work.
This systematic and holistic five session esoteric hypnotherapy program can be undertaken monthly or weekly, as suits your budget and schedule. Esoteric hypnotherapy is very well suited to Zoom consulations.
READ MORE about my esoteric hypnotherapy services by following this link, in my newsletter here: | May 2023 |or request a free 20min connection call via the button below:
Hypnotique Protocol® Specialist Soul Retrieval© hypnotherapy program
$1395 – 9-session state-of-the-art esoteric hypnotherapy program
(One-off Soul Retrieval sessions $180 are available in particular circumstances, please contact me to see if this is suitable for your situation)
Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® – Specialist Soul Retrieval, Past Life Therapy and Deep Soul Healing – is a totally new revolutionary holistic healing modality designed to not just create a surface change but to completely and magically transform a person’s consciousness and, as a consequence, their entire life.
This comprehensive 9-session program works gently with your Soul to re-story your past and reclaim lost power.
Clients so far have used this program to overcome childhood conditioning, disempowering relationships, karmic blocks, past life events and negative belief patterns… and have experienced remarkable transformation in their personal lives, business success and spiritual progress.
Unburden your Soul!
During the Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® nine-session program you can:
- Address deep soul wounds, soul scars and soul skins that keep you stuck in disempowering repetitive patterns
- Experience true and lasting liberation from past traumas
- Create not just surface change, but finally address and clear the causative factor of an issue
- Free yourself from deep and painful unresolved problems that you have not been able to clear or move through
- Create an unbreakable link with your soul, the source of true power so you can access your full potential and live your unique destiny
This holistic and systematic nine session program can be undertaken monthly or weekly, as suits your budget and schedule. Esoteric hypnotherapy is very well suited to Zoom consulations.
READ MORE about esoteric hypnotherapy services by following this link, or request a free 20min connection call via the button below:
Hypnotique Protocol® Single Session – Superconscious in Command
$180 – Single esoteric hypnotherapy session
Work with your Superconscious to take control of your life and manage your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Esoteric hypnotherapy is very well suited to Zoom consulations.
Be Your Essence
Leanne Harper-Lambert
Kawaha Point
New Zealand
t: 021 075 3486
e: leanneharperlambert@gmail.com